On 30 May 30 2014, in the prestigious Campidoglio Hall, SPORT SENZA FRONTIERE has won the Sympathy Prize, which has become a symbol of the Eternal City and hence is called " the Capitol Oscar".
This year we have won the solidarity award, together with Giusy Nicolini, mayor of Lampedusa, Father Giovanni La Manna, President of the Astalli Center for Refugees and the volunteer Association City of Mothers.
Sport Senza Frontiere has been prized for the huge work which was done to support the children and young people’s education, social inclusion and well-being through sport.
The rose of the thirty-four winners who crowded the assembly was rich and articulated – they were selected by famous jurors such as Carlo Verdone, Christian De Sica , Renzo Gattegna, Bruno Piattelli , Verdiana Bixio, Pippo Baudo, Giorgio Assumma, Alessandro Nicosia, Nicola Maccanico Carlo Gianni, Simona Marchini, Marisela Federici , Athos De Luca, Gigi Proietti, Renzo Arbore and Micol Fontana. Presented by Paola Saluzzi and Pino Strabioli the event counted among the winners the forces of Order and the French Ambassador Alain Le Roy, during the celebration year of the French-Italian culture.
For art and culture: Louis Godart, adviser to the artistic heritage of the Quirinale, Patrizia Asproni, President of Confcultura and Paul Crisostomi, the king of book and paper. For literature and journalism: Massimo Gramellini, Irene Rinaldi , Fulvio Abbate, Andrea and Andrea Delogu Cedrola and Emanuele Carioti.
For medicine: Prof. Luigi Masoni, Primary Hospital St. Andrew. For performing arts: Alex Britti. The theater and film awards were given to Edward Leo, Carlo Giuffre, Ennio Fantastichini, Flavio Parenti, Roberta Lanfranchi, Anna Foglietta and Antonio Giuliani and to the director Sydney Sibilia for his first work " I can stop when I want " starring Edoardo Leo.
For music, in addition to Alex Britti, a prize was given to the performer Marcella Cruel and the tenor Claudio Di Segni, director of the Synagogue Choir. And for the story, a prize was offered to the Piccola Orchestra di Torpignattara.
For sport: Giovanni Malagò, president of the Coni and Fabrizio Donato, Olympic champion in triple jump. For Roman traditional artcrafts, the prize went to the Antica Manifattura Cappelli located at via degli Scipioni. The event was opened and closed by the Renaissance Group " Tres Lusores " of Cori and realized with the support of Rome Capital Department of Culture, Creativity and Artistic Promotion and the Rome Confcommercio.